San Gabriel School

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Where we are

The enclave where the School is located belongs to the jurisdiction of La Aguilera, which currently constitutes a district of the Aranda de Duero City Council. It is located 6.5 km. from this city, which has approximately 30,000 inhabitants, and 2.5 from La Aguilera, a small nucleus of about 270 people.

Santa María is Aranda

The popular saying goes, to signify the importance that the Arandinos give to their main parish temple, in the Elizabethan Gothic style. They feel no less pride in their patron saint, the Virgen de las Viñas, whose hermitage-sanctuary stands at the top of its northern entrance. Likewise, the people of La Aguilera, our neighbors, glory in their Franciscan patron saint, San Pedro Regalado 7, whose church is a jewel of the baroque 7.1, and the convent mentions great figures in our history: the Catholic Monarchs and Cardinal Cisneros , For example. 

80 km. from Burgos

And halfway between Vitoria and Madrid, from which it is 160 km away, the town of Aranda de Duero rises to 798 m. above sea level. Caressed by the Duero River, to which two small tributaries, the Arandilla and the Bañuelos, flow into this town, it is the capital of the Ribera del Duero. This southern region of Burgos, predominantly agricultural, is famous for its precious wines. 

know us

San Gabriel School

Ctra. de La Aguilera, km. 6.5

Location: La Aguilera [1]
Municipality: Aranda de Duero
Postal Code: 09400


Telephone: +34.947.54.50.06
Fax: +34.947.54.51.61

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