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On April 18, Thursday, starting at 9:30 a.m., the degree hall of the Polytechnic School of the University of Burgos hosts the conference "Technological solutions to the current and future challenges of the wine sector." This proposal arises from the collaboration between the San Gabriel comprehensive Vocational Training Center, the University of Burgos, and the company ISAGRI, a computer developer for the agriculture, vineyard and livestock sector.

With technology as a common thread, the three organizations propose to provide in-depth knowledge about the needs and challenges of the market. All this in a face-to-face session, but which can also be followed online.

Thus, the Spanish Agrarian Guarantee Fund will talk about Siex, the information system for agricultural holdings with the digital notebook as the protagonist. The Smartcrops project, which is responsible for developing digital tools, will talk about those that exist to achieve a more sustainable and resilient agriculture. Vegetative covers will also be addressed as an alternative to tillage from the ICVV and agrivoltaic energy as a solution to fight the effects of climate change from Powerfultree, as well as real experiences and benefits of digitalization. Attendance is free and the registration form is now available.

Achieve digitalization

The technical, economic and even climatic context of digitalization is in continuous evolution and challenges the operational and financial viability of wine farms, which is why it is necessary to detect current challenges and propose technological solutions to gain competitiveness.

The difficulties are many: added administrative pressure, an increase in social pressure, increasingly complex farms in search of profitability, and the reconciliation of work and family life are the handicaps that the current winegrower faces. .

In this sense, Belén Alonso, Coordinator of the Degree in Agri-Food and Rural Engineering, conveys her point of view about the return of this event for the sector "with this type of events, it is evident that it is possible to provide technological solutions that promote efficiency and sustainability in agri-food production”.

Likewise, Yasmina Martínez, head of studies at the San Gabriel School of Oenology, reaffirms the need for these training initiatives, since “training and information are key tools to understand the current environment, which is increasingly complex and changing. Therefore, bringing current events in the sector with the help of great professionals is necessary.”

From ISAGRI, Elena Fernández, head of the winery market, highlights the importance of this proposal “in my experience in the sector, I know how decisive it is to have good information to make decisions that can strengthen the sustainability and profitability of the activity. Achieving this common objective of providing technological and digital tools can generate greater peace of mind and solvency for the owners.”


9:30 – 10:00 h Opening and presentation of the day.

• Universidad de Burgos

• Diputación de Burgos

• Grado en Ingeniería Agroalimentaria y del Medio Rural

• CIFP San Gabriel


10:00 – 10:45 h SIEX: Update on the project and the implementation of the CUE.

• David Sánchez – Fondo Español de Garantía Agraria.

10:50 – 11:20 h Digital tools for a more sustainable and resilient agriculture.

• Carlos Rad y Carlos Cambra, Universidad de Burgos.

11:25 – 11:55 h Vegetable covers as an alternative to tilling the soil in the vineyard.

• Sergio Ibáñez Pascual, Instituto de las Ciencias de la Vid y del Vino.

12:00–12:30 h Agrovoltaics, a solution to fight the effects of climate change.

• Imanol Olaskoaga Fernández y David Mignanelli, Powerfultree.

12:50 – 13:20 – Networking

1:30 p.m. – 2:15 p.m. Round table. Real experiences and benefits of digitalization with ISAGRI.

• Modera: Jaime Cuélla, agroperiodista.

• Miguel Tejerina. Director de Viticultura, Grupo González Byass

• Tomás Postigo. Gerente de Bodegas Tomás Postigo

• Gonzalo Enríquez, director de Viticultura de Bodegas Emilio Moro

• Sofía Gil, técnico asesor de CECOGA

Organized by: CIFP San Gabriel, University of Burgos, Isagri

Sponsored by: Agrobank and Provincial Council of Burgos

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